Financial Shock

Water Equity: Two Million Americans Lack Access to Water

Water Equity: Two Million Americans Lack Access to Water

Climate change and COVID-19 have been a one-two punch to water infrastructure, especially in those areas were the population is especially vulnerable, including low-income, rural and majority minority communities, many of which suffer from a lack of water equity....

Millennial Homeowners Surprised by Maintenance Costs

Millennial Homeowners Surprised by Maintenance Costs

Millennial homeowners make up 40 percent of new home buyers, moving into the market at a later age than prior generations. However, homeownership has been more stressful, expensive and disappointing than Millennials anticipated. In a survey, 43 percent of Millennial...

Services Can Help Older Adults with Aging in Place

Services Can Help Older Adults with Aging in Place

The COVID-19 pandemic, unfortunately, is influencing our lives in many ways and will continue to do so for the foreseeable future; including how older residents in your community approach retirement and aging in place. And there are 10,000 Baby Boomers turning 65...

Case Study: Van Meter, Iowa

Case Study: Van Meter, Iowa

When a Van Meter Public Works employee knocked on her door, Melanie Vivone didn’t know what he was about to tell her had a $4,000 price tag. “He knew me – everyone knows everyone else in Van Meter – and he told me water was coming across the road and it was coming...

HomeServe Helps Yonkers Resident Solve a Serious Problem

HomeServe Helps Yonkers Resident Solve a Serious Problem

Evangelina Gonzalez of Yonkers noticed many of her neighbors were experiencing water line breaks, especially during the winter months, and began worrying about the line servicing her home. The City of Yonkers partnered with a warranty company (NOT HomeServe) to offer...

Economic Shock from Unpaid Utility Bills Impact Industry

Economic Shock from Unpaid Utility Bills Impact Industry

The pandemic has put many Americans into economic shock – the sudden and unexpected loss of income – and millions are struggling with unpaid utility bills because of it. At the beginning of the pandemic, many states imposed shut off moratoriums to ensure those who...

Water Line Repair Brings Relief to Homeowner

Water Line Repair Brings Relief to Homeowner

Shirley C., her child and her grandchild lived together in her Georgia home, but the homeowner was dealing with a host of home repair issues she couldn’t afford to fix. The home had major electrical and plumbing problems. The electrical service box had a melted cable...

Broken Sewer Line Repair a Relief to Homeowner

Broken Sewer Line Repair a Relief to Homeowner

Linda J. of Baton Rouge learned the hard way that all home warranties are not created equal when she needed a sewer repair. She thought she was covered in the case of a broken sewer line repair – after all, she had a plumbing policy from a national home warranty...

Cut Costs? Cities Lose Revenue to COVID-19

Cut Costs? Cities Lose Revenue to COVID-19

One of the furthest reaching impacts of COVID-19; one many of your residents will likely not see until it's playing out in its entirety; is how reduced tax collections will alter this year's and next year's municipal budgets, forcing many communities to cut costs. In...

Water Supply Safety in Focus During Safety Month

Water Supply Safety in Focus During Safety Month

During National Safety Month, you’re focusing on ways to be safe both at home and at work. Since we’re all preoccupied with improving our personal hygiene to fight the global pandemic, and water is such an important component of personal hygiene, have you considered...

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NY Man Saves $2,700 with Exterior Electrical Plan

The town of Oceanside, New York typically only sees a few severe weather storms every year. So, when local resident and homeowner Tom W. noticed his lights flickering sometimes this past summer during some high winds, he made a mental note to investigate further if it...

Lead Water Service Lines Pose Hidden, Yet Expensive, Danger

When water runs through lead water service lines, it picks up minute particles of lead, carrying them along into homes, where residents drink it, cook with it, and wash their dishes, clothes and themselves in it.   More than 9 million homes are served by lead water...

The Hidden Cost of Water Leaks Explained

The ServLine Leak Protection Program helps protect the water provider and customers from the unexpected cost of a service line leak, including recapturing lost revenue and bad debt. In addition, the effort involved in leak adjustment administration is taken on by the...

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