Customer Testimonials

HomeServe and M.U.D. Help Family Replace Lead Water Line

HomeServe and M.U.D. Help Family Replace Lead Water Line

Danielle W. of Omaha was headed home on a weekday afternoon after work with her children when she turned onto her street and saw there had been a substantial change from when her family had left that morning – the street had been dug up. “We hadn’t had a problem (with...

HomeServe Plan Helps Avoid a Sewer Line Headache

HomeServe Plan Helps Avoid a Sewer Line Headache

Guillermo L. of Savannah, Georgia is no stranger to plumbing issues. In fact, during his career as a water meter mechanic for the city of Savannah, he’d come across nearly every homeowner nightmare imaginable related to plumbing systems, sewer and water lines. So when...

NY Man Saves $2,700 with Exterior Electrical Plan

NY Man Saves $2,700 with Exterior Electrical Plan

The town of Oceanside, New York typically only sees a few severe weather storms every year. So, when local resident and homeowner Tom W. noticed his lights flickering sometimes this past summer during some high winds, he made a mental note to investigate further if it...

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Virginia Homeowner Breathes Easy Thanks to Water Line Replacement

Judy B. of Annandale, Virginia had been living in her home for about 50 years, and knew for a fact that it had been standing long before she moved in. So, it wasn’t exactly a shock when earlier this year, problems with her water line started to arise. Judy has been a...

HomeServe and M.U.D. Help Family Replace Lead Water Line

Danielle W. of Omaha was headed home on a weekday afternoon after work with her children when she turned onto her street and saw there had been a substantial change from when her family had left that morning – the street had been dug up. “We hadn’t had a problem (with...

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