
Case Study: Jackson, MS

Case Study: Jackson, MS

Theresa Alexander had a problem that was not going away: sewage was spilling from an open pipe into her yard. Theresa had lived in her tight-knit Jackson, Mississippi, neighborhood for nearly two decades, where she enjoyed good relationships with her neighbors,...

Reoccurring Sewer Line Problem Plagues Jackson Woman

Reoccurring Sewer Line Problem Plagues Jackson Woman

Theresa Alexander had a sewer line problem that was not going away: sewage spilling from an open pipe into her yard.  Theresa had lived in her tight-knit Jackson, Mississippi, neighborhood for nearly two decades, where she enjoyed good relationships with her...

Day Without Water

Day Without Water

Turning on a spigot is something we do several times a day – whether to brush our teeth, wash dishes or cook. It’s not only routine, it’s something we don’t think about. But what if you turned on a spigot and there was no water? Or perhaps worse, the water was...

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Case Study: Jackson, MS

Theresa Alexander had a problem that was not going away: sewage was spilling from an open pipe into her yard. Theresa had lived in her tight-knit Jackson, Mississippi, neighborhood for nearly two decades, where she enjoyed good relationships with her neighbors,...

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