Linda J. of Baton Rouge learned the hard way that all home warranties are not created equal when she needed a sewer repair.

She thought she was covered in the case of a broken sewer line repair – after all, she had a plumbing policy from a national home warranty company (not the NLC Service Line Warranty Program). So, when Linda needed a sewer repair, she called on K&S Plumbing.

sewer repair, broken sewer line, cracked sewer pipe repairThe plumber advised her that the problem was much larger than she had anticipated – her cracked sewer pipe had been overtaken by the roots of the huge water oak tree in front of her home, and her broken sewer line needed replaced.

Tree roots typically seek out the warmth generated by a sewer line, particularly in colder months. To compound Linda’s problem, the broken sewer line was an old clay tile. K&S Plumbing recommended the entire line be replaced with root-resistant PVC pipes and be re-routed to avoid the tree roots as much as possible.

The job would cost approximately $10,000 for the cracked sewer pipe repair, she was told. However, Linda was confident the sewer repair was covered under her home warranty policy. Only it wasn’t.

“I called them, and anything outside the house wasn’t covered,” Linda said.

Not only would Linda be responsible for the entire $10,000 broken sewer line repair cost, but her sewer line, riddled with holes from the encroaching roots, was leaking raw sewage into her front yard.

Desperate to have the cracked sewer pipe repair done, Linda applied for financing, but was denied. Despite her job as a custodian at a local school, Linda’s income was limited. She had done everything right, but she was still faced with a costly broken sewer line repair she couldn’t afford. She didn’t know where to turn.


But Danny, the owner of K&S Plumbing, had a potential solution. K&S is also a network contractor for the NLC Service Line Warranty Program by HomeServe.

Danny knew HomeServe had a program to help residents in need. So, he suggested Linda’s broken sewer line repair be covered under the HomeServe Cares program, which offers no-cost, emergency repairs to qualifying residents who don’t have a policy. They came through for Linda, and K&S Plumbing recently installed a brand-new sewer line at no cost to Linda.

“I’m getting rid of [her prior warranty company],” Linda said. “I am eternally grateful to the NLC Service Line Warranty Program.”

To learn more about the Service Line Warranty Program, contact us.

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