Inflow & Infiltration

Water Supply Safety in Focus During Safety Month

Water Supply Safety in Focus During Safety Month

During National Safety Month, you’re focusing on ways to be safe both at home and at work. Since we’re all preoccupied with improving our personal hygiene to fight the global pandemic, and water is such an important component of personal hygiene, have you considered...

Aging Water Infrastructure: Impacts and Innovation

Aging Water Infrastructure: Impacts and Innovation

No one disputes water is one of our most precious resources and crucial to life. A human being can survive several weeks without food, but for not more than 48 hours without water. The U.S. uses 322 billion gallons of water each day, with 39 billion gallons processed...

Looking At the Future of Infrastructure

Looking At the Future of Infrastructure

As Congress and the president eye a bipartisan effort at improving our aging infrastructure, the time for a wide-reaching infrastructure program to rebuild water, electric, transportation and information infrastructure, is now. The need for locally-based planning and...

The Fallout From Service Line Failures

The Fallout From Service Line Failures

Water damage to a home, whether from a sewer backup or an interior plumbing problem, is not something to take lightly – and, in some cases, homeowners insurance won’t cover not only the plumbing, but the water damage to the home, unless the homeowner has purchased...

Three Environmental Factors That Cause Service Lines To Fail

Three Environmental Factors That Cause Service Lines To Fail

Are your residents aware of their responsibility to maintain their water and sewer service lines? In a State of the Home Winter survey, 13 percent of respondents thought service lines are the responsibility of the municipality or utility, and 18 percent didn’t know...

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Climate Change, Inflation Put Pressure on Homeowners, Utilities

Warmer water and rising oceans equal more intense and more frequent storms, and the rise in frequency and destruction we’ve seen from storms out of the gulf and across the country are just one of the symptoms of climate change. Hurricane Ian recently demonstrated the...

Water Supply Safety in Focus During Safety Month

During National Safety Month, you’re focusing on ways to be safe both at home and at work. Since we’re all preoccupied with improving our personal hygiene to fight the global pandemic, and water is such an important component of personal hygiene, have you considered...

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