You turn on the tap and water comes out. It seems simple, but it isn’t for millions of homes across the country that have lead water service lines and lead plumbing. Lead is a neurotoxin that is especially dangerous to babies and small children, and children in...
Lead Service Lines Highly Impact Low-Income, Minority Households
by Bill Eller | May 13, 2022
The lead water service lines in this country need to be replaced, but replacement programs need to keep low-income homeowners in mind in the planning stages. There are nine million homes in America that get their water through lead water service lines, and lead water...
Lead Service Line Replacement Programs Made More Complex by Incomplete Data
by Bill Eller | Mar 14, 2022
We don’t know how many lead service lines remain in service, and estimates vary by the millions. The American Water Works Association estimated that there are more than 6 million lead service lines across the country, but other sources put the number closer to 9...
Infrastructure Bill: Start Planning Now to Obtain Funding for Water Projects
by Bill Eller | Feb 17, 2022
The Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, or the bipartisan infrastructure bill, will disseminate billions of dollars to states and local governments for infrastructure projects throughout the country, including the replacement of lead service lines. But how will...
ServLine Louisiana RWA Webinar 2021
by HomeServe USA | Dec 7, 2021
The Water/Wastewater industry addressed many issues over the next 20 years: environmental, growing population, rural vs. urban, agriculture, water shortages, financial constraints, etc. One problem that impacts all aspects of the industry is aging infrastructure....
Infrastructure Bill Provides Funds to Replace Lead Water Service Lines
by Bill Eller | Nov 24, 2021
Local officials have been making the case for years: We need more federal investment in our nation’s water infrastructure – it has shrunk from 63 percent in the 1970s to 9 percent now, and the average age of such infrastructure reached 45 years in 2020. In short,...
Improving Resilience for Utilities and Customers through Public Private Partnerships
by Peter Buttrick | Oct 26, 2021
Bill Eller, Eric West, Gerry Harstine, Jenna Hazelet, and Mark Slater presented on how public-private partnerships can help cities, utilities, and homeowners improve their infrastructure resiliency at the 2021 NRWA WaterPro Conference. Click below to watch!
Getting the Lead Out: Public and Private Resources for Cities to Address Lead in Water Infrastructure
by slwamktg | Oct 26, 2021
According to the NRDC's new national survey of lead water service lines, between 9.7 million and 12.8 million lead pipes are connected to residences. The federal government is focused on this issue as Congress has passed President Biden's infrastructure proposal,...
Electric Vehicle (EV) Programs Critical to the Future of Cities Across the Country
by slwamktg | Oct 26, 2021
Mike Chambers and Kristin Glehan gave an excellent presentation on electric vehicles (EV) and the importance of adoption by cities across the world. They also discuss how, in addition to EV support, HomeServe's NLC Service Line Warranty Program and ServLine leak...
Aging Infrastructure, Extreme Weather Threaten Access to Drinking Water
by Bill Eller | Oct 21, 2021
Many of us are one major weather event or mishap away from losing access to our drinking water – from hurricanes and droughts to aging infrastructure, our water utilities are laboring under a heavy burden, while simultaneously struggling to find the funding to address...
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Residential Infrastructure Day Celebrated by HomeServe
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