During National Safety Month, you’re focusing on ways to be safe both at home and at work. Since we’re all preoccupied with improving our personal hygiene to fight the global pandemic, and water is such an important component of personal hygiene, have you considered...
Water Solutions
Community Roundtable – Addressing New Challenges from COVID-19
by Bill Eller | Jun 4, 2020
The COVID-19 pandemic has brought new challenges to local and utility leaders. How do you keep the utilities running, ensure the safety of your employees and residents, or hold public meetings in the social distancing era? There's no one-size-fits-all solution, so...
The New Normal: Re-Opening After COVID-19
by Jenna Hazelet | May 29, 2020
As many states slowly begin to re-open, lifting stay-at-home orders and allowing businesses to begin operating again, we’re faced with a “new normal.” In this new normal, every other table at a restaurant is empty, and our hairdresser wears gloves, a face shield and...
Demonstrating Leadership During the COVID-19 Epidemic
by Bill Eller | May 29, 2020
The COVID-19 pandemic, a once in a century public health and economic crisis, is putting a strain on every community. Residents are turning to their elected officials, and, with so much uncertainty and scrutiny surrounding the epidemic, that leadership role is a...
Aging Infrastructure and Finances
by Jenna Hazelet | May 27, 2020
The COVID-19 pandemic, a once in a century public health and economic crisis, is putting a strain on every community. Residents are turning to their elected officials, and, with so much uncertainty and scrutiny surrounding the epidemic, that leadership role is a...
Community Roundtable: Addressing New Challenges from COVID-19 – Moderated by the NLC
by Bill Eller | May 27, 2020
Public servants and business leaders will discuss the new challenges that cities face in managing the COVID-19 epidemic and how to best face those challenges in a community roundtable moderated by the National League of Cities. The way cities operate has changed in...
The Worst Call: How Our Service Line Warranty Can Help
by Bill Eller | May 15, 2020
“I had a call … ” Those words can make you cringe, because rarely does a resident reach out to tell you what a great job you’re doing – it’s usually a problem or a complaint. Public service is a privilege, and it means your residents will turn to you when there’s an...
NLC Webinar: The Home is Essential: Solutions for Local Governments and Homeowners from HomeServe
by HomeServe USA | May 14, 2020
Local governments are facing many challenges during this pandemic. Helping residents shelter safely at home, protecting essential workers, and looming budget cuts are at the forefront. The impact of stay at home orders has further enhanced the reliance on our homes....
Returning to Work After COVID-19: The New Normal
by Peter Buttrick | May 13, 2020
As many states slowly begin to re-open, lifting stay-at-home orders and allowing businesses to begin operating again, we’re faced with a “new normal.” In this new normal, every other table at a restaurant is empty, and our hairdresser wears gloves, a face shield and...
Municipal Officials Discuss Using Logo in eBook
by Bill Eller | May 5, 2020
We all know that our infrastructure is aging, including the water and sewer service line connecting a resident's home to your community’s main line. When, not if, those lines fail, homeowners will be on the hook for thousands of dollars in repair fees. Unfortunately,...
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Lead Water Service Lines Pose Hidden, Yet Expensive, Danger
When water runs through lead water service lines, it picks up minute particles of lead, carrying them along into homes, where residents drink it, cook with it, and wash their dishes, clothes and themselves in it. More than 9 million homes are served by lead water...
Solutions for Municipalities and Residents
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The Hidden Cost of Water Leaks Explained
The ServLine Leak Protection Program helps protect the water provider and customers from the unexpected cost of a service line leak, including recapturing lost revenue and bad debt. In addition, the effort involved in leak adjustment administration is taken on by the...