The NLC Service Line Warranty Program is currently available in over 1200 municipalities across the country.
Knowledge Center
Solutions for Municipalities and Residents
by Bill Eller | Mar 27, 2023
Solutions for residential customers’ water, sewer and interior plumbing line issues can help fund important initiatives while also increasing customer satisfaction and goodwill. Support homeowners and improve engagement with aging infrastructure, water conservation,...
The Hidden Cost of Water Leaks Explained
by HomeServe USA | Mar 15, 2023
The ServLine Leak Protection Program helps protect the water provider and customers from the unexpected cost of a service line leak, including recapturing lost revenue and bad debt. In addition, the effort involved in leak adjustment administration is taken on by the...
HomeServe Ensures a Bright 2022 Holiday Season for Customers
by Bill Eller | Jan 13, 2023
The holidays can be a glorious time of togetherness, giving, and wonderful memories. Unfortunately, for some of HomeServe's customers, the most memorable event of the 2022 holiday season will be that their water or sewer line froze up due to extreme cold temperatures....
Infrastructure Bill: Start Planning Now to Obtain Funding for Water Projects
by Bill Eller | Feb 17, 2022
The Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, or the bipartisan infrastructure bill, will disseminate billions of dollars to states and local governments for infrastructure projects throughout the country, including the replacement of lead service lines. But how will...
ServLine Louisiana RWA Webinar 2021
by HomeServe USA | Dec 7, 2021
The Water/Wastewater industry addressed many issues over the next 20 years: environmental, growing population, rural vs. urban, agriculture, water shortages, financial constraints, etc. One problem that impacts all aspects of the industry is aging infrastructure....
Improving Resilience for Utilities and Customers through Public Private Partnerships
by Peter Buttrick | Oct 26, 2021
Bill Eller, Eric West, Gerry Harstine, Jenna Hazelet, and Mark Slater presented on how public-private partnerships can help cities, utilities, and homeowners improve their infrastructure resiliency at the 2021 NRWA WaterPro Conference. Click below to watch!
Getting the Lead Out: Public and Private Resources for Cities to Address Lead in Water Infrastructure
by slwamktg | Oct 26, 2021
According to the NRDC's new national survey of lead water service lines, between 9.7 million and 12.8 million lead pipes are connected to residences. The federal government is focused on this issue as Congress has passed President Biden's infrastructure proposal,...
MRWA Webinar: The Coming Infrastructure Tidal Wave: Plan or React
by HomeServe USA | Oct 13, 2021
The Water/Wastewater industry is having to address many issues over the next 20 years: environmental, growing population, rural vs. urban, agriculture, water shortages, financial constraints, etc. One problem that impacts all aspects of the industry including the...
NLC Service Line Warranty Program Assists Detroit, Michigan, Homeowner
by HomeServe USA | Jul 20, 2021
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Lead lines, water loss, and leak administration – OH MY! Webinar with NRWA
In addition to public infrastructure challenges, water systems are dedicating resources to support customers with myriad private infrastructure issues. An average household in the U.S. uses about 300 gallons of water every day, 12% of which is lost to water leaks from...
Infrastructure Week 2023
Happy Infrastructure Week! We will be adding new infrastructure information, statistics, and more every day, so don’t forget to check back.Over the Last 5 YearsPeople StoriesItzel Perez Dominguez considered the purchase of a home – her first – carefully. She knew...
High Consumption and Leading Causes of Water Loss
Residents are changing their approaches to water conservation, especially as climate change leads to irregular weather patterns. High consumption and water leaks can come through everyday tasks, such as gardening and watering the lawn, but the gallons that can be lost...