Water Solutions

NY Man Saves $2,700 with Exterior Electrical Plan

NY Man Saves $2,700 with Exterior Electrical Plan

The town of Oceanside, New York typically only sees a few severe weather storms every year. So, when local resident and homeowner Tom W. noticed his lights flickering sometimes this past summer during some high winds, he made a mental note to investigate further if it...

Lead Water Service Lines Pose Hidden, Yet Expensive, Danger

Lead Water Service Lines Pose Hidden, Yet Expensive, Danger

When water runs through lead water service lines, it picks up minute particles of lead, carrying them along into homes, where residents drink it, cook with it, and wash their dishes, clothes and themselves in it.   More than 9 million homes are served by lead water...

Solutions for Municipalities and Residents

Solutions for Municipalities and Residents

Solutions for residential customers’ water, sewer and interior plumbing line issues can help fund important initiatives while also increasing customer satisfaction and goodwill. Support homeowners and improve engagement with aging infrastructure, water conservation,...

The Hidden Cost of Water Leaks Explained

The Hidden Cost of Water Leaks Explained

The ServLine Leak Protection Program helps protect the water provider and customers from the unexpected cost of a service line leak, including recapturing lost revenue and bad debt. In addition, the effort involved in leak adjustment administration is taken on by the...

Longtime Customer’s Coverage Pays Off with $4,000 Repair

Longtime Customer’s Coverage Pays Off with $4,000 Repair

Ed V. was accustomed to receiving frequent phone calls from his mother Dolores. After all, she's 90 years young and living by herself in her Kulpmont, Pennsylvania home of over 50 years. But on one early February day, Dolores called her son because she noticed water...

HomeServe Ensures a Bright 2022 Holiday Season for Customers

HomeServe Ensures a Bright 2022 Holiday Season for Customers

The holidays can be a glorious time of togetherness, giving, and wonderful memories. Unfortunately, for some of HomeServe's customers, the most memorable event of the 2022 holiday season will be that their water or sewer line froze up due to extreme cold temperatures....

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