Sewer Line Warranty Program Now Available In Midland 5/31/12

by | May 31, 2012 | By State, HomeServe in the News, Texas, Water Solutions

Sewer line protection being offered to residents
Posted: Friday, June 1, 2012 9:33 pm | Updated: 9:34 pm, Fri Jun 1, 2012.

Midlanders are being offered the opportunity to buy into an insurance program for their utility lines. Through a partnership with the city of Midland and the National League of Cities, Service Line Warranty of America is offering residents the option to purchase a warranty for their sewer lines.

Brad Carmichael, with Service Line Warranty of America, said many people don’t realize they’re responsible for the portion of their water and sewer lines that run from their house to the street or point where city maintenance begins. The warranty the company offers will cover line repairs up to $4,000, plus an additional allowance of $4,000 for public street cutting if that’s needed.

“These lines fail because of normal wear and tear, invasion of tree roots, ground shifting,” he said. “Sometime in your lifetime you’re probably going to experience it.” Repairs needed because of a natural disaster or damage caused by the homeowner are
not covered, according to the company’s website. Carmichael said the program is optional and is offered in 132 cities in 28 states.

Service Line Warranty runs the program without public funding. The city will be compensated for allowing the company to use the city’s seal on the letter sent out to residents alerting them of the warranty opportunity, according to Ryan Stout, city spokesman. The warranty is not offered to businesses, Carmichael said.

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