Aside from wasting a tremendous amount of water, leaking water and sewer lines can result in unexpected high water bills and repair emergencies for which your customers are unprepared. Leaks are also costly to the utility, leading to lost revenue, bad debt and...
Frozen Pipes
Lead lines, water loss, and leak administration – OH MY! Webinar with NRWA
by HomeServe USA | Mar 19, 2024
In addition to public infrastructure challenges, water systems are dedicating resources to support customers with myriad private infrastructure issues. An average household in the U.S. uses about 300 gallons of water every day, 12% of which is lost to water leaks from...
Increase In Extreme Cold Events Posing New Challenges for Water Providers
by Bill Eller | Feb 13, 2024
While it’s intuitive to link “global warming” with hotter and longer heatwaves, longer droughts, more wildfires, and heavier rain, the link is less obvious when it comes to an increase in extreme cold events across North America, particularly in areas that have not...
HomeServe Ensures a Bright 2022 Holiday Season for Customers
by Bill Eller | Jan 13, 2023
The holidays can be a glorious time of togetherness, giving, and wonderful memories. Unfortunately, for some of HomeServe's customers, the most memorable event of the 2022 holiday season will be that their water or sewer line froze up due to extreme cold temperatures....
Frozen Water Lines in Texas Cause Jump in Plumbing Work
by Bill Eller | Mar 3, 2021
As the energy crisis in Texas and parts of the South subsided, residents weren’t given time to take a deep breath, because rising temperatures revealed a new problem – frozen water lines. The record-low temperatures that caused many energy producers to go offline,...
When Buying a New Home, Examine the Plumbing
by Bill Eller | Jan 12, 2021
Nearly a quarter of Millennials and Zennials have expressed dissatisfaction with their current home after working from home during the coronavirus pandemic, according to the HomeServe Biannual State of the Home survey conducted by The Harris Poll. That means they're...
Preventing Pipes from Freezing: DIY Tips
by Bill Eller | Oct 12, 2020
With fall and colder weather comes the possibility of burst and frozen pipes. Now is the time to encourage your residents to winterize their home plumbing system and preventing pipes from freezing before inclement weather causes a home repair emergency. If residents...
Aging Water Infrastructure: The Problem of Private Service Lines
by HomeServe USA | Apr 13, 2020
It isn’t a matter of if water service lines will fail, it is a matter of when – and that “when” will be sooner than many think, as research has shown that older lines, made of materials such as lead, copper and galvanized steel, have reached the end of their usable...
Water Water and Sewer Line Emergencies: Debunking the Myths
by HomeServe USA | Apr 13, 2020
Myths about the cause of service line failures are common. Many people believe that their service lines will never fail in their lifetime. However, reports indicate that the vast majority of the nation’s water pipes were installed after World War II and are in serious...
Now is the Time to Think About Frozen Pipes
by Bill Eller | Aug 26, 2019
Summer is ending – time to think about frozen pipes. As the weather begins to cool and we enjoy all those pleasures that come with fall, don’t forget that homeowners should be preparing so they don’t encounter an unpleasant surprise. On average, a quarter...
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Recent Posts
How Much Are Water Leaks Costing You and Your Customers?
Aside from wasting a tremendous amount of water, leaking water and sewer lines can result in unexpected high water bills and repair emergencies for which your customers are unprepared. Leaks are also costly to the utility, leading to lost revenue, bad debt and...
Lead lines, water loss, and leak administration – OH MY! Webinar with NRWA
In addition to public infrastructure challenges, water systems are dedicating resources to support customers with myriad private infrastructure issues. An average household in the U.S. uses about 300 gallons of water every day, 12% of which is lost to water leaks from...
Increase In Extreme Cold Events Posing New Challenges for Water Providers
While it’s intuitive to link “global warming” with hotter and longer heatwaves, longer droughts, more wildfires, and heavier rain, the link is less obvious when it comes to an increase in extreme cold events across North America, particularly in areas that have not...