Water Resiliency: Is It ‘Tomorrow’s Crisis’?

Water Resiliency: Is It ‘Tomorrow’s Crisis’?

Water utilities, harried by aging infrastructure and a historic lack of federal infrastructure investment, may see climate change – and the needed infrastructure hardening for water resiliency – as “tomorrow’s crisis,” or something that can be addressed once what to...

EPA Considers Lead and Copper Rule Revisions After Pushback

EPA Considers Lead and Copper Rule Revisions After Pushback

Lawsuits and executive orders have made the lead and copper rule revisions uncertain as the Environmental Protection Agency continues to solicit public comment, with the deadline moved to June 17. Additionally, the EPA has proposed to extend the compliance deadline to...

Plumbing Leak Detection: How to Find Hidden Water Leaks

Plumbing Leak Detection: How to Find Hidden Water Leaks

In the average home, hidden water leaks lose approximately 10,000 gallons of water a year, and in one in ten, severe leaks can waste up to 90 gallons a day and hundreds of dollars, making plumbing leak detection something homeowners should practice as part of their...

Environmental Protection Agency

Environmental Protection Agency

The following articles and case studies have been cleared by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and are currently on the EPA's Water Finance Clearing House webpage.    Case Studies Baltimore City is nearly 300 years old and encompasses 92 square...

Lead: America’s Deadly Metal

Lead: America’s Deadly Metal

Beginning in 1986, the use of lead service lines was banned nationwide. In 1991, the Lead and Copper Rule was published and corrosion control programs were implemented. In 2014, the allowable lead content of brass plumbing fixtures was reduced from 8% to 0.25% by...

How To Conserve Water When You’re Losing It

Three percent of water on our planet is freshwater and only 1 percent is suitable for drinking, so it’s not difficult to see that we must conserve water for the planet – a plan that can save utilities and their customers money. Conservation is good for the planet and...

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Water Resiliency: Is It ‘Tomorrow’s Crisis’?

Water utilities, harried by aging infrastructure and a historic lack of federal infrastructure investment, may see climate change – and the needed infrastructure hardening for water resiliency – as “tomorrow’s crisis,” or something that can be addressed once what to...

Lead Water Service Line Replacement Poses Problem for Utilities

You turn on the tap and water comes out. It seems simple, but it isn’t for millions of homes across the country that have lead water service lines and lead plumbing. Lead is a neurotoxin that is especially dangerous to babies and small children, and children in...

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