White Papers

Energy Efficiency Can be Unlocked with Behavioral Science

Energy Efficiency Can be Unlocked with Behavioral Science

Utilities put significant investment in energy efficiency programs, but only 40 percent of consumers participate in energy efficiency opportunities that would reduce their bill, even if they are struggling to pay their bills. Despite the sensibility of participating...

Engaging with Millennials:  Why it Matters

Engaging with Millennials: Why it Matters

By 2025, Millennials will make up to 75 percent of the workforce, as the next largest generation, the Baby Boomers, retire in droves. This means their buying power will only increase in the next decade – Millennials are spending more than $65 billion each year and...

Empowered People and Advanced Technology

Empowered People and Advanced Technology

Call centers are generally viewed as revolving doors, with turnover rates of between 30 and 45% versus 15% for all other industries. The work can be difficult, high volume, high stress, and lower paying, so high turnover is understandable but also problematic. In...

New Realities in an Evolving Energy Landscape

New Realities in an Evolving Energy Landscape

With the energy industry in the midst of an evolution, utilities are more clearly understanding the need for transformation from a role of commodity supplier to “ratepayers” to a trusted advisor on a range of energy issues to a more and more sophisticated and...

Energy Efficiency Can be Unlocked with Behavioral Science

Saving Energy by Working with Human Nature

Nearly one-third of households report that it is a strain to pay energy bills and that they often choose electricity over food or medical bills. Despite having to make these difficult decisions each month, only 40% of consumers participate fully in energy...

How IOUs Can Thrive Through Change

How IOUs Can Thrive Through Change

Investor-owned utilities (IOUs), particularly electric utilities, operate in an environment today that is far different from the past, even just five years ago, and the only certainty is more change is on the way. A myriad of factors are shaping the industry today –...

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Reduce Call Center Inbound and Outbound Call Agent Turnover

Call center turnover rates can be two or three times that of other industries, meaning a third to nearly half of your inbound and outbound call agents are in training. This can have an impact not only on your bottom line, but also consumer satisfaction. At HomeServe,...

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