
Smart Home Devices Adoption Increases – HomeServe Research

Smart Home Devices Adoption Increases – HomeServe Research

HomeServe’s Biannual State of the Home Survey examines the financial impact of home repairs and other factors related to the state of the American home. The most recent survey examined the adoption of smart home devices. The majority of respondents – 56 percent –...

Energy Services: Do Consumers Know What You Offer?

Energy Services: Do Consumers Know What You Offer?

Flattening load growth is an issue for every utility. However, as this revenue stream remains stagnant, energy utilities are looking for new sources of revenue. However, your consumers may not be aware of your energy services and retail offerings. Power Generating...

Smart Home Devices Adoption Increases – HomeServe Research

A Customer-centric Solutions Approach to Energy

Utilities are moving away from a one-way distribution model and their traditional role as energy providers. Instead, they are focusing on customer-centric solutions, such as offering digital and Distributed Energy Resources (DER) services and real-time energy...

Value-Added Services Are the Future for Utilities

Value-Added Services Are the Future for Utilities

State after state is deregulating electricity, forcing utilities to offer lower prices to be competitive with retail providers. Homes boasting more energy efficiency and a growing interest in green technology flattens load growth, and many energy utilities have sought...

Three Things Consumers Want from Their Utility Provider

Three Things Consumers Want from Their Utility Provider

Utility consumers have more choices, and it’s no longer enough for a utility provider to simply deliver reliable electrical service – in fact, that has become a baseline expectation from consumers. With their ability to switch providers and a field full of newcomers...

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With the energy industry in the midst of an evolution, utilities are more clearly understanding the need for transformation from a role of commodity supplier to “ratepayers” to a trusted advisor on a range of energy issues to a more and more sophisticated and...

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