
Economic Shock: Solutions for Vulnerable Consumers

Economic Shock: Solutions for Vulnerable Consumers

The effects of an economic shock, such as an unexpected home or car repair or a sudden loss of income, can be devastating to homeowners on a fixed income, and the United Nations estimates 40 million Americans are living in poverty. Among those, 18.5 million are living...

Call Center Best Practices

Call Center Best Practices

Everyone has been a victim of bad customer service at some point in their life and, unfortunately, a bad experience is usually more memorable than a great one. As the call center is often the first or only interaction a customer will have with a business, the...

HomeServe’s Customer Focus

HomeServe’s Customer Focus

A presentation given at the 2015 HomeServe Leadership Summit, including metrics from customers and how HomeServe can help alleviate their home emergencies.  

Create a Culture That Shows You Care

Create a Culture That Shows You Care

The first day I stepped into a call center, I remember being surprised by how you could sense the culture of the environment. It was intangible, yet somehow you could feel it flow through the air around you, almost like the call center version of “the Force”!

Free Roundtable: Planning for a Changing Environment

Free Roundtable: Planning for a Changing Environment

The one thing we can depend on in the energy industry right now is change – from the proliferation of DERs to concerns about cybersecurity, the industry hasn’t seen such turmoil since its beginnings. In this changing environment, utilities, regulators and even...

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