Customer Testimonials

NJ Woman Gets Home Repair Help

NJ Woman Gets Home Repair Help

Catherine E. of Sicklerville, New Jersey, thought that having a policy to cover maintenance and repairs to her home furnace would be a prudent idea. Catherine is an older adult on a fixed income with chronic health issues that require treatment three times a week....

Exterior Electrical Plan Saves NY Man $2,700

Exterior Electrical Plan Saves NY Man $2,700

The town of Oceanside, New York typically only sees a few severe weather storms every year. So, when local resident and homeowner Tom W. noticed his lights flickering sometimes this past summer during some high winds, he made a mental note to investigate further if it...

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NJ Woman Gets Home Repair Help

Catherine E. of Sicklerville, New Jersey, thought that having a policy to cover maintenance and repairs to her home furnace would be a prudent idea. Catherine is an older adult on a fixed income with chronic health issues that require treatment three times a week....

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