NLC Webinar: The Home is Essential: Solutions for Local Governments and Homeowners from HomeServe

by | May 14, 2020 | Communities, Education, Millennials, NLC SLWP, Public-Private Partnerships, Water Solutions, Webinars

Local governments are facing many challenges during this pandemic. Helping residents shelter safely at home, protecting essential workers, and looming budget cuts are at the forefront. The impact of stay at home orders has further enhanced the reliance on our homes. They are now our schools and our offices. More than ever, the home needs to be a safe haven for residents as we navigate through these uncharted waters. Join this webinar to learn how HomeServe is helping to protect the home while putting the safety of residents and essential workers at the forefront of their efforts. They will also discuss some options that can help bring dollars back to the city in a time when cities will be facing difficult challenges with budget cuts due to the pandemic.

Webinar Title: The Home is Essential: Solutions for Local Governments and Homeowners from HomeServe
When: May 27th 2pm
Register Here: NLC Webinar Registration

We hope to see you there!

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