Utility line protection program available
El Dorado Times
Posted Apr 19, 2012 @ 05:00 PM
El Dorado, Kan. — The City of El Dorado is introducing a new, optional program available to homeowners, provided through the National League of Cities (NLC) Service Line Warranty Program administered by Service Line Warranties of America (SLWA). The Service Line Warranty program provides low cost, worry-free warranty protection for sewer lines.
“Many citizens are unaware that they are responsible for the sewer line that extends from their home to the city’s sewer main. If these lines break or leak, repairs can be very expensive,” said Kurt Bookout, public utilities director. “This program is being offered by Service Line Warranties of America, not the City of El Dorado, but we are endorsing the program. The program has also been endorsed by the National League of Cities, as well as
many other Kansas communities already participating in this program. In all the cities we have talked to, the program has been very well received. Basically it gives home owners an easy and inexpensive option to cover the repair and/or replacement of their service lines.”
City of El Dorado residents will see offers in their mail boxes soon. The cost for citizens who choose to purchase the warranty protection is $5.95 per month, and will cover sewer line repairs up to $4,000 plus an additional allowance of $4,000 for public street cutting, if needed. The program is offered at no cost to the City of El Dorado, and no public funds are used to promote the program.
“We are pleased to work with the City of El Dorado to offer homeowners an affordable service line warranty program,” said Brad Carmichael, vice president of business development for Service Line Warranties of America.
“We think El Dorado residents will be pleased with our features and benefits, including a 24-hour repair hotline and the use of local, certified technicians. This keeps dollars in the local economy, an important benefit in these tough financial times.”
SLWA is proud to have been selected by the National League of Cities as an Enterprise Programs Partner. The National League of Cities, representing more than 218 million Americans, is the nation’s oldest and largest organization devoted to strengthening and promoting cities as centers of opportunity, leadership and governance.
After a decade in business, SLWA has accreditation with the Better Business Bureau. To learn more about SLWA visit www.SLWofA. com or go to the SLWA link on the www.360ElDorado Web site.