Watch your email for how to sign up for complimentary Service Line Awareness Week resources.
February 5
Deadline to sign up for complimentary Service Line Awareness Week resources
Our Business Development representatives will begin reaching out to city contacts with your city-specific campaign materials for the spring mailing. Not sure who your representative is? Contact Blake Stogner at bstogner@homeserveusa.com or 214-552-4098.
March 5 – 9
As a program partner, USP will have a table at the National League of Cities Congressional City Conference. Stop by and visit with our Business Development representatives.
March 20 – 26
The inaugural Service Line Awareness Week kicks off with daily activities. Visit https://partnerships.homeserve.com/water-solutions/slaweek/ for more information.
HomeServe Assists with Hot Water Heater Replacement for Xcel Energy Customer
Tracy knew the water in her home wasn't as hot as it could have been in recent days. Tracy, a homeowner in Roseville, Minnesota, came across an unsettling discovery in recent months. Her home’s water heater, which had been there when she purchased the...