Financial Shock

Why Would Homeowners Need A Service Line Warranty?

Most homeowners don’t think about the condition of the external buried water and sewer lines that run from the public utility connection to the exterior of their homes – out of sight, out of mind. In fact, people don’t think about their service lines until confronted...

Don’t Let A Home Emergency Bury Your Residents In Debt

Emergencies never happen at a convenient time – it’s when you’re traveling, planning for your wedding or sitting down to a holiday dinner. Additionally, emergencies can often bring with them a very costly expense that many homeowners are unprepared to cover, which can...

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Water Line Leak Can Cause Financial Stress, Decrease Morale

It’s something that every water utility manager has experienced: a customer opens their mailbox only to find a surprisingly large bill because of a water line leak and their first reaction is to call your staff. In most cases, when a utility bill jumps up by hundreds...

Plumbing Leak Detection: How to Find Hidden Water Leaks

In the average home, hidden water leaks lose approximately 10,000 gallons of water a year, and in one in ten, severe leaks can waste up to 90 gallons a day and hundreds of dollars, making plumbing leak detection something homeowners should practice as part of their...

Frozen Water Lines in Texas Cause Jump in Plumbing Work

As the energy crisis in Texas and parts of the South subsided, residents weren’t given time to take a deep breath, because rising temperatures revealed a new problem – frozen water lines. The record-low temperatures that caused many energy producers to go offline,...

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