Summer Minger

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Basement Backup Problem Solved by Caring HomeServe Customer Agents

After 40 years in the extermination business, Vincent L. knew good customer service. And when he found himself with a basement full of water while his 88-year-old mother was ill, Vincent needed customer service. "I went into the basement, and it was full of water," he...

Lead Water Service Lines Pose Hidden, Yet Expensive, Danger

When water runs through lead water service lines, it picks up minute particles of lead, carrying them along into homes, where residents drink it, cook with it, and wash their dishes, clothes and themselves in it.   More than 9 million homes are served by lead water...

Solutions for Municipalities and Residents

Solutions for residential customers’ water, sewer and interior plumbing line issues can help fund important initiatives while also increasing customer satisfaction and goodwill. Support homeowners and improve engagement with aging infrastructure, water conservation,...

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