Roundtable Offers Member Engagement Solutions

by | Nov 18, 2020 | Communities, Energy Cooperatives, Engagement, Millennials

HomeServe will host “Innovation in the New Era of Member Engagement,” a roundtable for cooperative energy utilities, on December 2 at 2 pm. The panel will explore the intersection of technology and member engagement as well as best practices for engaging with Millennials.

The energy utility landscape is rapidly evolving with new technologies and the rise of the Millennials generation as one of the largest groups of homeowners and largest generation. To address this, many co-ops are exploring new strategies and technologies to improve member engagement.

To encourage engagement, especially from younger members, co-ops already have many of the tools they need – they just need to communicate them effectively, according to RE Magazine. In fact, Millennials already share many of their co-ops’ guiding values, but need to be made aware of them through targeted member engagement.

Millennials interact with their utility providers in a way that prior generations never did – they want to communicate across multiple online channels, and they want more from their utility provider than being mailed a bill. Millennials, when dealing with any business, want to feel as if their values are shared by that business – something that is a great, but overlooked, strength of co-ops.

However, if they don’t see what they need from their utility provider, they’re much more willing than previous generations to switch providers – something that can be avoided with the appropriate communications and outreach strategy.

A panel of communication and engagement experts will discuss best practices and up-and-coming innovations; what new communication tools are available and how others have used them; and how offering a choice of value-added subscription services and products can increase engagement. Panelists will include Mary Ann Cristiano, Touchstone Energy Director of Marketing, Advertising and Digital; Steph Okuniewski, Pennsylvania Rural Electric Association Member Engagement Specialist; and Jen Poth, owner of BP Electric in Lexington, Ohio. Myles Meehan, HomeServe’s Senior Vice President of Public Relations, will be the moderator.

Join us for the discussion by registering here.

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