Cooperative as Facilitator of Residential Electric Vehicle Experience – Digital Presentation

by | Apr 16, 2021 | Cooperative of the Future, Electric Vehicles, Energy Cooperatives, Knowledge Center, Presentations, Videos

HomeServe, a leading provider of cooperative-sponsored home repair programs, conducted a study of EV owners to better understand consumer knowledge of and participation with cooperative programs, incentives, and home charging options.

The survey sought to understand:

  • EV charger installation
  • Service experiences and related interest
  • Consumers’ ability to obtain information about home charging options
  • Concerns about EV charger failure
  •  Participation in rebates and other money-saving opportunities

Andrew DeCastro presented the survey’s results, and what they may mean for your utility in March 2021. Click below to watch what he had to say about the future of electric vehicles.

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