This year’s NRECA PowerXchange conference brought together co-op leaders, board members and solutions providers to exchange ideas and insights about the industry as well as best practices for cooperative operations. HomeServe had the opportunity to attend sessions and engage with cooperative personnel, and the predominant theme was improving all aspects of reliability and resiliency.

In the session entitled “How to Plan for Reliability and Resiliency in a Changing Environment,” executives from United Power, South Texas Electric Cooperative, and Minnkota Power Cooperative discussed their challenges, which varied greatly based on geography and generation mix. The presenters expressed the importance of incremental reliability and resiliency improvements, as even minor issues could result in long outages for some members, and the need for highly customized solutions suited specifically to each cooperative, as opposed to a one-size-fits-all approach.

HomeServe helps cooperatives enhance resiliency and safety by expediting reconnection, educating homeowners, and addressing member equipment concerns. When an outage occurs, members call their cooperative first and learn, often for the first time, that they are responsible for fixing the exterior electric line and components at their own expense before reconnection, leaving them to secure repair assistance under duress. This can result in a delayed reconnection, ancillary outage-related expenses, and dissatisfaction with the cooperative. HomeServe’s repair service plans help members get back up and running following an outage and protect against electrical hazards by ensuring integrity of equipment and code-compliant repairs with local, licensed, and vetted contractors.

Additionally, HomeServe is aligned with cooperatives on the importance of community support, and our partners have access to the HomeServe Cares Foundation, which offers pro bono repairs for low-income citizens, support for veterans, and funding for community programs. HomeServe is also proud to participate in the Cooperative Family Fund as a founding donor.

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