
These States Use the Most Renewable Energy

These States Use the Most Renewable Energy

The U.S. has always relied heavily on fossil fuels – such as natural gas, oil and coal – for energy production. But the trend is now changing, due to many clean energy initiatives at the state level. The production of renewable energy resources keeps increasing, with...

These States Use the Most Renewable Energy

These States Use the Most Renewable Energy

The U.S. has always relied heavily on fossil fuels – such as natural gas, oil and coal – for energy production. But the trend is now changing, due to many clean energy initiatives at the state level. The production of renewable energy resources keeps increasing, with...

Renewable Energy Surges to 18% of U.S. Power Mix

Renewable Energy Surges to 18% of U.S. Power Mix

Eighteen percent of all electricity in the United States was produced by renewable sources in 2017, including solar, wind, and hydroelectric dams. That’s up from 15% in 2016, with the shift driven by new solar and wind projects, the end of droughts in the West, and a...

Customer Engagement in the New Utility Era

There’s a major trend happening in energy that is not measured in barrels or BTUs.  Utilities are becoming much more focused on deepening their customer relationships.  As state after state deregulates electricity, forcing utilities to compete with retail providers,...

Millennials’ Buying Habits Continue to Impact Energy

Millennials’ Buying Habits Continue to Impact Energy

By 2025, Millennials will make up to 75 percent of the work force, as the next largest generation, the Baby Boomers, retire in droves. This means their buying power will only increase in the next decade – multicultural Millennials' buying habits include spending more...

Three Energy Sector Trends to Watch

Three Energy Sector Trends to Watch

If there is one thing you can predict about the energy industry, it is that the industry is unpredictable. There has been more change in energy sector trends over the past decade than the previous half century. With American gas and oil production up, renewable energy...

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