Gas Line Warranty Option Protects Your Residents from the Cold

by | Mar 13, 2018 | Energy Solutions

When something goes wrong with a resident’s utility service, the first thing they do is turn to their provider. Most homeowners understand they are responsible for their in-home systems, but many don’t purchase a gas line warranty because they don’t know they are responsible for their home’s supply lines.

Replacing a gas or electric line could cost thousands, but one in three homeowners don’t have even $500 set aside for an emergency home repair, according to HomeServe USA’s State of the Home survey. Learning they are not only responsible for the repair, but how costly it is, can come as quite a shock to your residents.

Avoiding Consumer Dissatisfaction

A consumer with an unanticipated issue with their utility line can be frustrated to learn that they are responsible for the repair and their utility is unable to help them. When a homeowner doesn’t have electricity or heat, they look to their provider for guidance and assistance. Being unable to offer them a solution is a missed opportunity to provide excellent customer service and increase satisfaction. That’s where a proven gas line warranty can help.

Fifty-one percent of consumers in the U.S. switched brands or businesses in 2013 because of poor customer service, former California Public Utilities Commissioner Timothy Alan Simon noted in a recent white paper. Eighty-one percent of those who switched said the company could have done something to retain their business.

Offering homeowners a satisfying solution to their problem, especially when doing so is going above and beyond, is a great way to promote customer satisfaction and retain business.

Consumers want a recommendation from a trusted source, otherwise, there wouldn’t be such a proliferation of contractor referral sites. They may even ask your customer service representatives if they have a list of vetted, licensed and insured contractors in their area.

Good Corporate Citizenship

You are already communicating with your residents about a host of issues in their bill – safety first and foremost among them. Good corporate citizenship, including communicating about benefits your company offers to the homeowner and their community, is one of six factors measured by the J.D. Power Residential Customer Satisfaction Study. J.D. Power has also found increased customer satisfaction means improved ROE.

Providing residents with beneficial information about reviewed contactors and a warranty that could cover repairs both to the utility line and in-home systems is a no-cost way to become a trusted partner.

HomeServe USA provides home warranty service, including a gas line warranty option, to more than five million customers in the United States and Canada with 24-hour support from an award-winning call center.

Contact HomeServe USA and learn how offering home repair programs can increase customer satisfaction.

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