By 2025, Millennials will make up to 75 percent of the work force, as the next largest generation, the Baby Boomers, retire in droves. This means their buying power will only increase in the next decade – multicultural Millennials' buying habits include spending more...
Furnace Tune Up: Better Late Than Never, but Right Now is Even Better!
by HomeServe USA | Sep 25, 2018
It might not feel like it right now, but colder weather is right around the corner. That makes it the perfect time to make sure your residents' heating systems are prepared to handle the inevitable – plummeting winter temperatures. Waiting until the first cold day of...
Network Contractor Calls HomeServe Cares to Help Ensure Customer Safety
by HomeServe USA | Sep 12, 2018
When Robin Tusa of Tusa’s Plumbing was at Tijuana B.’s Fort Worth, Texas, home, she noticed something odd: When they plugged in her equipment, they turned off their television. Tusa, a HomeServe USA network contractor, was at the home to unclog a sewer line when she...
Is Old Wiring Risking Your Resident’s Safety?
by HomeServe USA | Feb 8, 2018
Many homeowners never wonder if their house has an old wiring system, plugging all sorts of devices in for regular use. But are residents putting a 21st century demand on a 20th century electrical system? In today’s technology-dependent world, we are putting a greater...
HVAC Tune Up Time for Homeowners
by HomeServe USA | Dec 11, 2017
This fall has been unseasonably warm, winter and bad weather is just around the corner. All too often, homeowners forget about performing a regular HVAC tune up until it’s time to turn the system on. Then, at the worst possible time, it breaks down and homeowners are...
Aging in Place
by HomeServe USA | Sep 12, 2017
Home Maintenance is a key factor for aging Americans wishing to remain in their own homes, or in the modern vernacular, those who prefer "aging in place." According to U.S. Census data, the number of Americans aged 65 and older is expected to rise 35 percent from 2010...
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Energy Efficiency: Why Are Some Homeowners Unengaged?
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Electrical Service Panel Causes Problems for Retirees
Richard K. of Canton, Ohio, had a problem: water was getting inside his home’s electrical service panel. Not only that, but both the panel and his electrical service line had become badly corroded. The deterioration of his electric line likely allowed water to seep...