
Utility Solutions

Utility Solutions

Partners who have launched a home solutions program with HomeServe can generate revenue to help subsidize and advance utility objectives, including demand-side management and low-to-moderate-income (LMI) initiatives. They also report overall increased customer...

Customer Education

Customer Education

HomeServe's experience with our numerous partnerships has shown that a collaborative multi-channel approach to educating homeowners is the most effective way to market the program to consumers. We are committed to representing the utility brand in a way that respects...

The Path Forward for Natural Gas

The Path Forward for Natural Gas

Published by American Gas Association, May 2021 Even as decarbonization efforts accelerate, customer energy equity relies on recognizing the value in a robust energy mix that includes natural gas and a renewed focus on energy efficiency. Utilities represent a...

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Alabama Power Introduces New Home Repair Service

BIRMINGHAM, Ala., Nov. 14, 2023 -  Alabama Power understands that an unexpected home repair can be a big disruption and a financial hardship. To help customers address these concerns, Alabama Power is introducing its residential customers to a new repair service...

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