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Telefix Remote Home Repair Assistance Service Has Launched

HomeServe USA, a leading provider of home repair solutions, launched Telefix, a new remote home repair assistance option. The new service, which is in early release, allows qualified technicians to remotely examine, diagnose, and even offer repair guidance to help...

You Shouldn’t DIY Home Repairs in These Six Areas

While there are many opportunities for homeowners to save money by performing simple DIY home repairs, there are some projects that are better left to the experts. In these cases, an error in DIY home repair execution can be dangerous and result in a larger expense...

Engaging with Millennials: Why it Matters

By 2025, Millennials will make up to 75 percent of the workforce, as the next largest generation, the Baby Boomers, retire in droves. This means their buying power will only increase in the next decade – Millennials are spending more than $65 billion each year and...

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