Peter Buttrick

Energy Equity Helps Low-Income Households Toward Energy Efficiency

Energy Equity Helps Low-Income Households Toward Energy Efficiency

Utilities, including energy and water, represent more than 20 percent of a low-income household’s monthly expenditures, a significantly higher portion than that of middle class wage earners. Tilting the balance even more is the inability of many low-income households to reach energy equity with their better-paid neighbors.

Central Air Conditioning Repair a Blessing to Jackson Homeowner

Central Air Conditioning Repair a Blessing to Jackson Homeowner

As a life-long resident of Jackson, Mississippi, Alfred D. is no stranger to the city’s hot summers. For many years, he had a home air conditioning system to keep the humidity and high temperatures at bay. However, the retiree’s air conditioning system finally, after...

Electrical Service Panel Causes Problems for Retirees

Electrical Service Panel Causes Problems for Retirees

Richard K. of Canton, Ohio, had a problem: water was getting inside his home’s electrical service panel. Not only that, but both the panel and his electrical service line had become badly corroded. The deterioration of his electric line likely allowed water to seep...

Economic Shock: Solutions for Vulnerable Customers

Economic Shock: Solutions for Vulnerable Customers

The effects of an economic shock, such as an unexpected home or car repair or a sudden loss of income, can be devastating to homeowners on a fixed income, and the United Nations estimates 40 million Americans are living in poverty. Among those, 18.5 million are living...

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Small Gas Leak Uncovers $7,000 Gas Line Repair

Kingwood, Texas, resident George R. thought it would be smart to invest in a generator for his home after some extreme weather in recent years. The installation team planned to use a branch off of the gas fuel line that ran from his house to his pool heater. But when...

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