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Municipal Officials & Water/Sewer Provider Contact Form

Fill out the form below or click a member of our Business Development team below to contact them directly, and we’ll reach out to you shortly!
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If you are from a municipality, water, or sewer authority, complete the form and a member of our Business Development Team will contact you or call us at 855-956-8143.  View our team below.

Business Development Team

Bill Eller

Vice President, Business Development

Bill works with municipalities and utilities to educate and develop the best program options for their residents.

Read more.

Ashley Shiwarski

Sr. Director of Business Development

Ashley’s diverse background helps her design programs for utilities and municipalities that meet their communities’ needs.

  • Florida
  • Iowa
  • Maryland
  • Minnesota
  • Nebraska
  • New York
  • North Carolina
  • Pennsylvania
  • South Carolina
  • South Dakota
Bill Coffey will discuss aging infrastructure

Bill Coffey

Regional Account Director

Bill serves as Regional Account Director, Business Development for municipalities and utilities in:

  • Arizona
  • California
  • Nevada

Dantario Dansby

Regional Representative of Business Development

Dantario currently serves as the Business Development Representative for the Southern Region.

  • Alabama
  • Arkansas
  • Georgia
  • Louisiana
  • Mississippi
  • Tennessee
  • Texas

Dennis Lyon

Regional Account Director

Dennis is responsible for working with municipalities/utilities to educate and develop the best program options for their residents.

  • Colorado
  • Connecticut
  • Delaware
  • Idaho
  • Minnesota
  • New Jersey
  • Oregon
  • Utah
  • Wisconsin
  • Washington
  • Wyoming

Emilie Zalfini

Regional Account Director

Emilie is responsible for working with municipalities and utilities to educate and develop the best program options for their residents.

  • Arkansas
  • Kansas
  • Missouri
  • New Mexico
  • Oklahoma
  • Texas
  • Virginia
  • West Virginia

Jenna Hazelet

Director of Business Development

Jenna Hazelet is responsible for working with municipalities and utilities to educate and develop the best program options for their residents throughout the southeast.

  • Alabama
  • Florida
  • Georgia
  • North Carolina
  • South Carolina
  • Tennessee
  • Virginia

Mike Chambers

Regional Account Director

Mike is responsible for working with municipalities and utilities to educate and develop the best program options for their residents.

  • Illinois
  • Indiana
  • Kentucky
  • Michigan
  • Ohio

Larry Byrne

Sr. Business Development Director

Larry Byrne currently serves as Senior Director, Business Development and works with water districts and municipalities to develop programs to protect homeowners from the expense of a wide range of unforeseen household repairs:

  • Alabama
  • California
  • Louisiana
  • New York
  • Texas

Rob Meston

Strategic Partnerships Manager

Rob Meston currently serves as Strategic Partnerships Manager and is responsible for managing and supporting the strategic relationships, including:

  • National League of Cities (NLC)
  • National Rural Electric Cooperative Association (NRECA)
  • Touchstone Energy
  • State Municipal Leagues