Waterline help set in Dodge City
Published: 10/4/2012 8:49 PM | Last update: 10/4/2012 8:49 PM
By The News staff
DODGE CITY – The City of Dodge City is introducing a new, optional program available to homeowners that provides low cost warranty protection for water lines.
The program is provided through the National League of Cities and administered by Service Line Warranties of America, headquartered in Canonsburg, Penn. The service line warranty program offers warranty protection to help cover the costs of a waterline break.
“Many citizens are unaware that they are responsible for the water lines that go from the point of utility maintenance to their houses. If these lines break or leak, repairs can be very expensive,” said Ken Strobel, city manager. Dodge City residents will receive offers to join the program in their mail boxes soon. The cost is $4.75 per month, and will cover water line repairs up to $4,000 plus an additional allowance of $500 for public sidewalk cutting, if needed.
For questions contact Hayley Martin at (724) 749-1042 or hmartin@homeserveusa.com. To learn more about SLWA, visit www.SLWofA.com.